Wednesday, December 31, 2008

step in a puddle of me, you'll drown.

i was deep tonight. i told my friend of this characters twin pistols. he thought i meant double barrel. here is my response. nah, like twins as in pistols that were made together that belong together to be a whole. see how i was just deep there? in finishing up this drawing i decided to add the names of the guns ingraved on their outer side. heaven and nirvana. x's twin pistols. then the red forced a frank miller influence out of me and i inked the cape scarf badly. before this conversation happened, i already had a draft of thi post done. so here's that draft now. you guys remember in kingdom hearts when it asks your greatest fear? i always said indecisive cuz i was. i'm the only one i know who said that. anyways, to stay true to form, i never only have one character i use in a game. my fatal gaming flaw. well, i showed you the flaming fist guy, here's x. he uses twin pistols to take down evil, or at least anyone standing in his way. hell, he'll take out someone sleeping in his way. maybe. that might not be fun enough. the scan is actually pretty darn bad. it looks kinda green. picture it all black and white with a splash of red. okay. that's all she wrote. or more like all he drew. so happy new year in advance. i decided the first thing i'm gonna write and the first thing i'm gonna yell is as follows: FUCK YEAH! so without any further a do i'm gonna stop typing. right... about...

boom shaka laka

this is mark in his video game mode. he wanted to look like ryu from street fighter, so he's basically him dressed as ryu. tho, he has a sword on his back that he never uses. at the beginning of each fight he says: you're not worthy of my blade. if he wins he says: told you. if he loses he says: probly shoulda used it... so yeah. the comic's comin soon. meanwhile in the city: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA  i'm being mugged!!! help, he has a gun!
back to wade: you guys here something? oh well. later days!

jeez, man, some people.

this guy told me if this post wasn't good, then i suck and we're not friends anymore and i don't get a christmas gift. ugh.... and you guys have figured out by now that i'm a peak-too-sooner in the blogging world right? if not now you know. and if you don't know what a peak-too-sooner is then you fail. it's not that hard. it's when you reach your peak too soon, and then yoou know what happens? wrong again. it's all down hill from there for the rest of your life. if you doubt me, then go ahead and rush to your peak now, hurry up and try real hard. you there yet? good. now your fucked, cuz now it's all down hill. look at that steep hill. man that looks like it'll be hard to get down without slipping to your doom. oh well, not my problem! HAHAHAHAHAHA stupid peak-too-sooners. and i'm one of them. but i'm stoopid, with two o's. that's cool you see? like phat with a ph? yeah. so. well, this is jared's game character. he fight with spray paint in a breakdancing fashion. and he has a lime green fohawk. if you don't know what a fohawk is, just leave. leave. NOW! i'm talking to you jerry! your name probably isn't jerry, but it was worth it to freak out all the jerry's who read this. all zero. to my knowledge. if your name is in fact jerry, post a comment. i don't have any yet. in fact, do it even if your named, oh i dunno, anything really. wow, i'm certainly rambling. i'm pretty sure this post isn't up to snuff. but i have two or three more to do by the end of the day. and i do have a new blog simultaneously goin on now. it's at and it's called word of the day. i post a word a day. that's it. all this rambling is thus taken care of there. gone caput and slaign. slane? whever. that's the combo of what ever. okay. so. umm, that's it i guess. see ya real soon! seriously, later today. bye.

Monday, December 29, 2008

gaming and flaws

well, recently a lot of people have been either straight up ignoring me, or outrightly telling me that they hate my guts. i'm here to say that i like the latter. also, this spurred me on to ask ppl i know what my fatal flaws are. i plan to make a huge list of them and post them and make it an art project or a book or something. wouldn't that be fun? it's like what's up with gilbert grape, except it's what the fuck is wrong with this guy over here?! you know? i love flaws. it's what makes us human, and what makes people that goofy cute which my real drawing point with the ladies. oh! subject change! so i was drawing out some ideas for the video game virtual reality thingy that i put in left side drive, where it like scans you or some bullshit and then you modify how it looks and what it does and you can battle and race and all this syuff (yes syuff, more awesome than stuff, and almost as good as things.) and the like. so yeah, that's what i made mine look like. it's called HOLY SHEIZA MY HANDS ARE FREAKING BURNING MAN!!!!!! i hope you enjoy. Hey! you know what?! yoou still don't?! man it was your job to find what out so that you can tell me and then when i say you know what?! i'll have an actual thing to tell you! man, you need to get your shit together. and when i'm telling you that, you know you got a real problem hommie. ....

alrite, listen, i din't mean to come down on you all hard like that. hey hey hey! listen! don't cry! please don't cry. i, -i'm sorry okay? will you forgive me? NO?! WELL FINE THEN YOU LIMEY BASTARD, I DON'T NEED YOU! I NEVER NEEDED YOU! YEAH, YOU CLOSE THIS WINDOW YOU , YOU! ugh! man! jeezus h. christ! ugh! razzle frazzle mother RAH! hey, hey! what're you doin with that bat? no! no i was kidding take a joke! no! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

you're not your fucking khakis.

if this is your first night at fight club, you have to fight. everyone get ready for project mayhem. brought to you exclusive by moi. i already have robert paulsons and plenty of them, sir. this is another comic cover for left side drive, done in the style of fight club. if you haven't watched it, this post means nothing to you. i'm talkin to you danyo! whelp, since i'm ahead on posts, i'll leave you with a quick little message that is truly one for the books. RRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECCCCC-

P.S. you guys are my readers, you're awesome and i don't want! anybody else! when i think about you i touch myself! o-ah-oh!

lucky number sleven.

great movie. in my top three, which also includes fight club, so it's in good company. you must watch this, if you've seen it, see it again. it's a must. anyways, for my comics, espescially left side drive, a comic about me and my friends, i make the covers from movie posters/DvD covers. so to honor sleven, here's a first runthrough of a left side drive cover. i also redrew daniel, cuz i wasn't feeling it. i'll load it up later. go ahead and look up the lucky # sleven DvD cover for a comparrison. kay, now i take my leave.

public service anouncement.

before we begin, i'd like to introduce you to doc. doctor joe is a doctor. it says so on his shirt, so it must be true. okay, so this anouncement is near and dear to my heart. it appears that most americans have not heard, or have forgotten the word. well i'm here to tell you that O WELL A BYRD BYRD BYRD, BYRD IS THE WORD! O WELL A BYRD BYRD BYRD, BYRD IS IS THE WORD. O DON'T YOU KNOW ABOUT THE BYRD? EVERYBODY'S HEARD THAT THE BYRD IS THE WORD! B-BYRD BYRD BYRD BYRD BYRD IS THE WORD. SUUUUURRRRFFFIIIINNNN BYYYYRRRRD!!!!!!!! thank you. this has been a public serivice anouncement. paid for by viewers like you.

Friday, December 26, 2008

this is mark.

his fake pretentious british accent has destroyed more worlds than fluffy the destroyer of worlds. do not stare too long, or it will open up like the arc of the covenant and melt yo face off. and we wouldn't want that now would we. also, if you start looking at him, do not blink, for legend has it that doing so is the calamity that will bring forth zool! okay. enough old movie references. mark's shirt says F.U. 

fullerton university, duh. geez loueez guys! calm down! man... some people.

carne con carne con carne!

the only spanish i will ever need. continuing with my cartoon versions of mein friends here is daniel and lance. yes, he is a marine. to balance out the fact that all my posts have been fairly miniscule (tiny) recently, i will now spell out doom over and over for a good while. thank you. doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doowm doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom deoom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom 'doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom droom doom doom doom doom doom doom doeom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom dom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doaom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom dolom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doolm doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom. thank you. this has been a test of the emergency empending doom post. if this was an actual doom, we'd all be dead. thank you.

here's some pics of me and my friends done all cartoony.

yo yo yiggidy yo! that's jared and me. he's sporting a limited edition racing jacket and his fu man chu t-shirt, i'm bustin a watchmen with the handmade the end is nigh shirt and my i love you tie. now these pics should be enough for you, but it's christmas so i know yur all extra greedy, so please hold while i try and think of something funny... 

... got it! this is a joke i heard from a homeless guy calling himself sir-laughs-a-lot. what do you get when you cross a pirate with a pedophile? ARRRGH kelly! ahhahahahahaha! there you go. that's the funny for the evening. 

heeeeeeeey, badabing!

alright so i know i'm behind, but i'm still doing a post for each day. my computer shut down on me and some of these didn't get loaded. so i was like, hey mang, where's my money?! where's my money man! i want mai money! in my best brooklyn accent. cuz lots o you foo's out there owes me mai money. and i seriously doubt i'll ever see it. prepare to start sleeping with the fishes. and trust me, it's not a pleasent time. they snore like CRAZY! like how my friend gets when he eats hot cheetoes. he just loves hot cheetoes. so yeah, merry christmas guys, and also, happy all those other less known holidays that i don't celebrate. not corprate enough for me. so that's my x-mas card from last year. i'm sending it out again. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

MACHO MACHO MAN YEAH! hey you guys should check out cuz if you dont, under the bed dwelling gnome will come bearing the gift of impedence, and force feed it to you. so yeah, i'd do it.

p.s. that's james traceur, one of my comic book characters.

Monday, December 22, 2008


you guys know i was kidding right? i'm actually not full of myself, in fact i have kind of bad self esteem problems. enough with the emo. so a nice amount of time ago, we were talking about catchphrases, and just general thoughts. i didn't have one that people could think of, so at the time i decided that my thought was "people misjudge people." nice and symetrical. also lameness to the max. MAXIMUM! now it's BLOOBERTY-SHNICKEY-DOODLE!!!!!!!! thank you for your time.

p.s. that's my rendition of jared head.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

kiss and make up you slimey little - GET YOUR SHOES OFF THAT COFFEE TABLE!

i'm makin up for a missed post, you see i was actually invited to do something! which, for some reason that i'm sure would not reflect badly on me in any way whatsoever, almost never happens. some might say, once in a blue moon, or mosre likely the commonly thrown around term "sometimes". yup. well, i had this family party then this get together party thing to go to. so i did not post, to the dissapointment of you, my faithful readers, who i'm sure just sit there refreshing this page for hours on end waiting for that magikal moment when i hast proclaimed a new entry completed with my pressing of thine publish now button. so here i go, makin up a post... ummmm, i'm totally and comletely running dry on things to write. so here's a short story by someone who isn't a writer in the slighteset, that i will weigh down with heavy handed words. today the young man woke up. he scratched his rude when scratching in public parts, because they needed scratchin. he went out for his morning run because he was a fully functioning member of society, but still his own man. a true individual. this is what drew the aliens to him. they abducted him and threw him in front of a moving train, which effectively burried him. he was thus reborn by pure colegient energy and became anew. and what did he do next you ask? he found himself craving to be like everyone else. he became unindividualistik. and slowly those aliens plan on taking the world by doing the same to all free thinkers. beware. attached is a sketch of earth worm jim i drew like 4 years ago. go nuts.

re-introduced: used, abused, and not recycled: the next generation: 2: in fabulous techni-color (not wearing a dream coat)

i do have to apologize for that idiotic and utterly unimpressive way to introduce my beloved readers to my self proclaimed utter awesomeness which resides in me much like a chewy crunchy delicious center to some kind of awesome living candy that screams when bitten, but then breaks into a british accented sintilating conversation filled with piratey goodness. hence the name of this sweet tooth craving a fix inspired blog. that last sentence made no sense whatsoever, but it's staying. so deal with it. fun fact of the day: did you know that facebook has a pirate language? it's fantastik. yes it is that cleaning liquid in disguise. just go to the language settings and near english will be pirate (english) beta. if you're not able to speak english and decided to use your translate this page button in your browser to read this, then i commend you on your effort, but you get no reward. sorry. wait, no i'm not! MWAHAHAHAHAHHA! also, i do have to apologize for that last post, because it was pretty dumb. but it is also staying there. mostly because of lazyness. i don't suffer from lazyness, i enjoy every minute second of it. okay, so i'm gonna do my best to update this blog daily, and hopefully i'll have a new art piece to show you. yupperoonieez! one of these days i'll have to compile a movie list. my media in motion teacher gave us his. it too, was full of awesome. just not as much as me. who knows what would happen if something else reached my level of awesome, and we occupied the same space at the same moment in time. perhaps the world would end. and it would be awesome.

Friday, December 19, 2008

where's my mind?

there was this one time that i was in the shower. and the whole room started shaking and i almost fell over and i got soap in my eyes. i thouroughly freaked out. i genuinely thought it was all in my head. nothing was out of placed, my dog was acting fine. it turns out there WAS an earthquake, but i thought i was crazy. which sort of says something about my mental state right? but then again because i have the sense to ask if i am, then doesn't that make me sane? yeah, didn't expect me to get all serious and philosophical on you right? course no one reads this. so no one will answer that question. unanswered questions. i like shakespear. if i lost you there, here's the simple connection. unaswered questions, to be or not to be? shakespear. done. simple. you wanna know how my mind works? i'll tell you anyway. at any given second i have at least 50 thoughts running through my head. and not in like neat even lines, picture a room with 50 different super hyper bouncy balls off all different sizes bouncing around caotically in an imperium of no coordination at top speed. now picture trying to keep track of one ball for over a minute. even if they were different colors, it'd be a task for anyone. that's how my mind works. this explains why i often pause in the middle of sentences, forget what i was gonna say, and almost always blurt out what i'm gonna say, interupting people if necessary, because i won't be able to find the thought 10 seconds later. but then again, this has also helped train me to multitask extremely well. for example i can watch like 10 tv's at once. think ozymandius from watchmen. course i forget stuff like a lot, except for useless information strangely. then i remember it the next day, too late. i've been listening to where's my mind by the pixies over and over writing this. yupperoonies. hey, as we are parting ways now, at least for a short time, i'll ask you to do this. ask yourself, am i insane, and how does my mind work? if you don't do this, eh. i don't care. hell, i won't even know if you did or not anyway. but to not end it on that note, HEY!...

ho, let's go! 

a shout out to Danyo, the big double d.

you know what?!

do you know what?! well neither do i! man it feels good to get that off my chest. anywhozers. i need to go christmas shopping. and make my letter for santa. yes i still believe. probably because i believe in all that magik and fantasy stuff to make life less boring. also, because my mom told me a long time ago that if i stopped believeing then i stop getting the presents that he would bring me. and no less money shall be spent on me cuz i'm special. she told me that too. yeah. well, you know i was totally planning on leaving it at well neither do i, but i didnt feel right just doing that. course only 1 person reads this, at least for now, cuz i tell him. hi jared! feel good this fabulous midnight hour? me neither. oh well. so yeah. i'm still typing. wonder why... here's a pic of baka in his harley quinn battle suit at age 12ish... yeah. adios and via con dios!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

let's get it started in HA let's get it started in here.

so yeah, i'm gonna start blogging now, though i doubt many care. this blog is not about being read, it's about clogging up that super toilet that IS the internet! ooooh yeeeaah... okay so i'll be posting up art and syuff, along with just writing to write. i get seriously bad writer's block. fun fact of the day: aglettes are the plastic things on the ends of your laces. and they're true purpose is sinister. by the way, if anyone ever has a complaint or something to say that i don't want to hear, tell it to the one-legged man, so he can bump it off down the road. oh, and my youtube account is and oddwolfout XIII is my xbox live gamer tag. just for funzies, you know. you know someone recently asked me what creativity is. my immediate answer was, it's me you her , everybody and everything. but thats a conventional response. my new answer is this: creativity is putting your weiner on a table and having someone say, hey, that looks like a penis, only smaller. yup. kay tah for now. here's a null pic for you. it's called "straightjacket feeling"