Friday, December 19, 2008

you know what?!

do you know what?! well neither do i! man it feels good to get that off my chest. anywhozers. i need to go christmas shopping. and make my letter for santa. yes i still believe. probably because i believe in all that magik and fantasy stuff to make life less boring. also, because my mom told me a long time ago that if i stopped believeing then i stop getting the presents that he would bring me. and no less money shall be spent on me cuz i'm special. she told me that too. yeah. well, you know i was totally planning on leaving it at well neither do i, but i didnt feel right just doing that. course only 1 person reads this, at least for now, cuz i tell him. hi jared! feel good this fabulous midnight hour? me neither. oh well. so yeah. i'm still typing. wonder why... here's a pic of baka in his harley quinn battle suit at age 12ish... yeah. adios and via con dios!


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