Monday, August 31, 2009

and boom goes the dynamite.

you know a friend of mine is always telling me i should be a stand up comedian, and as it just popped into my head, lets think on that for just a queery's worth of a moment, now why do they have to be stand up comics? why they gotta stand there huh? i wanna be a sit-down comic. you know? or like maybe a walk around comic, but that's what dane cook is right? although i do dig his style. i dunno it was just something i thought about. i think about a lot of stuff. most of it's just as important as this, so, not at all. in the grand scheme of things. hey, that's kind of off too right? like, who's scheme is it? god's? cause that sounds pretty shady right? does god have this like, grand ocean's eleven scheme goin on, but it's more like god's 60 billion or whatever? that there, that sounds fishy. im just picturing this giant guy up there in the universe peeking over the top of his cards at the earth, i mean, we don't even know we're playing you know? i dunno. i like life. it can get really effen boring and stuff, and a lot of what i want to be here isn't, but it's still pretty good. yeah. well i guess i should start to wrap up or something. yah know it's unfortunate .... wow, i just forgot where that sentence was going. ah well, i guess that me forgeting what was unfortunate can be whats unfortunate. it feels like, i dunno. sort of like im in some kind of daze or something. maybe i should get myself out of it, class starts in a little over half an hour. dood, can you imagine if our four fathers had planted like, red woods everywhere. like the really ginat ones, and then we just like, empty out the center and that would be how we made our buildings? i can, it seems sort of ridiculous. but then like, grass could be everywhere, and like everyone would ride mountain bikes everywhere, instead of cars. and animals would probly thrive more, and you'd probly run across bears and stuff a lot more. you know, the premise isnt so bad. i was like thinkin, like, fires would be devastating to the city, but then i realized, yeah, they kinda alread are right? so whats the difference? i guess, theyd hit harder. whatever. you know what else? what if the nazis won? wouldnt that be like really suckish? like madly true lee, it would be bad, but if it was like, the norm, most would just go with it. the majority would be like i dunno think about it. but now, what if america was still british? like, washington and them died and we were still british. doesn't sound so bad. at least we'd all have those incredible accents. and europe wouldn't hate us so much. we'd be missing a lot of hollywood though. and uh, hmmmmm i had more OH! no real cowboys. that'd be like not good. im more of a pirate guy myself, but still. ah well. i'm tired and im gonna head out of this lie berry and go up to whatever room my class is in. a'ight. latez yo!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


so right now i imed someone who doesnt care enough about me to remember what my screen name is. so now i've decided to take upon myself the grand role of mysterious stranger. i'm still trying to convince her to answer me back and say more than i'm not going to talk to someone i dont know. i asked her if it really mattered, and she said it to0tally does! and i asked if she thought maybe i'm her hated enemy, but she didnt answer. i said i'll take that as a yes then, and she said she won't talk to someone she doesn't know, so i told her her name and her brother's name and some of her hobbies and such, but she didnt respond. so now im thinking ill just do the talking and maybe shell join in. who knows? truth is i always found her kinda sort cute. but my relationship with her brother always stopped me. that and the whole me not thinking she cared whatsoever about me at all. like, period. which is why i wont tell her who i am. because this has happened before, a couple times. god her memory sucks. anyway, she always refuses to answer. makes me feel bad. especially on a day that everyone online either signs off or totally doesnt respond. maybe their away from their computers. maybe theyre not though. yeah. makes yah feel bad doesn't it? well, whatever. but you know what? i've decided i need to get some new friends. you know why? because none of my friends ever call me. well, one does. and i'm pretty damn sure that he's the only one who actually reads this blog, which i always say isn't about being read, it's about being written, but come on. why put it out there if you don't want it read, right? why do i always have to be the one to call everyone to hang out, huh? i'm never invited to go hang out with people. well extremely rarely. i actually have two friends that call, it's just that the one calls a lot, and the other calls every so often. but it's totally rick diculous! that's right! it's become so ridiculous that it deserves a fuckin name. i'm always over looked when it's time to throw a party, even if i'm there when the friend is planning it. and do i ever get a call back? no! hell, my roommate threw a fucking party in out apartment, on her half of the place, and i wasn't invited. i just played games all night and finally got someone over there at like 4 in the morning or so, later to only find out that theyre only my friend because they pity me, which is stupid, because that's the only pity moment in our time together that should be on my side of the pity table. her life sucks. she looks like a dood for god sakes man! and seriously! why don't people just outrightly like me? i like everyone else right away, but aparently its completely not a mutual feeling because most people hate my guts like, within seconds of meeting me. actually, scratch that. i know people who don't even know me that hate my guts. fuck! how unfair is that? you know, i think i'm gonna start giving everyone a reason to hate me. you know? maybe be honest with what i think of them all the time right? hold on, i forgot about the stupid i m i was doing....

yeah, so i told her off. fuckin stuck up bitch. thats the problem with the world. everyone either thinks theyre better than everyone else, or they want to be. hell. even me. i wanna be an actor. which is like the quintescential better than every one else group of people. them and rock stars. even if you think youre a fuckin saint, your not. no one is. but thats just life.

holy shit.
telling her off made her talk to me. now shes guessing who i am.... wow.
my mood just changed. cuz like. i dunno. im answering her questions to help her guess. she gave up. and i said, "well then i guess im staying the suave man of mystery." oh! but the game continues! my age has come into question.hey! and another lady logged back on~! she guessed it. when i gave her a big ass hint. so yeah. i think i just wiggled my way into a new friend mayhaps. anywayz, i guess ill blog again relatively soon. i adios muchachos y muchachas!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

i've changed the rules

cuz i can do it if i want to. i've decided, after musch deliberation on the thought of the movie nick and norahs infinite playlist, that i will allow the perfect playlist to be any length, other than one. or negative numbers. zer0 is fine, but only because i find it zen. but one is not a playlist. it's just your perfect song. which should be in the playlist. okay. just letting you know.

Monday, August 10, 2009

so yeah?

i again apologize for the lack of daily posts. i've been slowly getting better at it though. so i was thinking about my bucket list today. a list of stuff to do before you kick the preverbial bucket and what not. on the list was "create the perfect playlist". sounds easy, but it really isn't. i'm going to limit it to 199 songs. no more no less. why? because 200 seems too arbitrary. deal with it. i mean why do you even think you have a say in this? seriously man, don't be such a soggy armadillo and just get this shit through your thick most likely fatty head!: it's my garsh diddly darn list of bucketness and i take deep offense to any who resist the athoritay that eye ex-ood and if you8 continue to do so i will have to declare fisticuffs! so yeah. stop it. but i digress. anywayz yo, 199 songs. but it's not hard just because of the limit. it's hard because to be considered a quote unquote perfect playlist, it needs to consist of songs that you are never not in the mood for, that inspire you to wiggle that fabulous arse, that you can run to, that you can kool down to, that you can both fall asleep to and wake up to, they need to flow together so well that you end up expecting the next song in said playlist, even when your hearing the song on a radio, the songs should be the kind of song that you're willing to put on repeat over and over until you have every incandescent particle memorized, it should always be good to use on long flights and road trips. and because it's the most important, and also because not everyone understands the concept of a double negative, it consists of songs that you never grow tired of and are always wanting to listen to, no matter what mood you happen to be in. okay. so yeah. i'm a song or two in. i mostly haven't been focussed on it yet. i might mention that this list is possibly ever changing. i now defy you to do the same and make your own list. go now, and may the force be with you. and also with you.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


i know, i know, you're more dissapointed in me than dr. jekyl was in mr. hyde. that's originally a book, so don't claim the woosh over your head was caused by lack of movie or television knowledge (mine being extensive). i mean i don't expect you to know as much about the subject as James Nesbitt but come on man! get out there and learn stuff! become a man of the world. the umbrella academy is an amazing comic book series. i'm all up on it's pages. it's outstanding. It's by gerard way, the front man of the band that did that apocalyptica circus gothica song "welcome to the black parade". i like that song. haven't bothered to listen to their other songs and stuff, but i like the band. the artist is gabriel ba. or the main artist at least. i'm an artist you know. yup. geeze, i'm watching tv right now and a guy just said: "you know what tonight is? tonight's the orgasm." yeah. that just happened.