Monday, August 10, 2009

so yeah?

i again apologize for the lack of daily posts. i've been slowly getting better at it though. so i was thinking about my bucket list today. a list of stuff to do before you kick the preverbial bucket and what not. on the list was "create the perfect playlist". sounds easy, but it really isn't. i'm going to limit it to 199 songs. no more no less. why? because 200 seems too arbitrary. deal with it. i mean why do you even think you have a say in this? seriously man, don't be such a soggy armadillo and just get this shit through your thick most likely fatty head!: it's my garsh diddly darn list of bucketness and i take deep offense to any who resist the athoritay that eye ex-ood and if you8 continue to do so i will have to declare fisticuffs! so yeah. stop it. but i digress. anywayz yo, 199 songs. but it's not hard just because of the limit. it's hard because to be considered a quote unquote perfect playlist, it needs to consist of songs that you are never not in the mood for, that inspire you to wiggle that fabulous arse, that you can run to, that you can kool down to, that you can both fall asleep to and wake up to, they need to flow together so well that you end up expecting the next song in said playlist, even when your hearing the song on a radio, the songs should be the kind of song that you're willing to put on repeat over and over until you have every incandescent particle memorized, it should always be good to use on long flights and road trips. and because it's the most important, and also because not everyone understands the concept of a double negative, it consists of songs that you never grow tired of and are always wanting to listen to, no matter what mood you happen to be in. okay. so yeah. i'm a song or two in. i mostly haven't been focussed on it yet. i might mention that this list is possibly ever changing. i now defy you to do the same and make your own list. go now, and may the force be with you. and also with you.


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