Monday, September 14, 2009

a short one?

yeah, hey guys. i'm jumping right in. so like, i was singing this song, and then i sorta let it drift off. a little later i suddenly dawned upon the lyrics. like, a hidden little qualm i have with them. i guess it's a love song. whatever. but there's this one line where the guy says to this chick i guess, "i'll be everything you want, and more!" think about it man. don't you see a nice little problem in there? a perfect person is everything you want. but he's saying he's more than what she want. still with me? (if not go back and re-read, and if you still don't after that just give it up man.)so really what he's saying is, "i'm everything you want, and a bunch of stuff that you don't. deal with it." now, for what the song is going for, that's a huge hole in the lyrics. but.... isn't that what the reality is? really, aren't we all saying to whoever we're in a relationship with, i'm a lot of what you want, and a lot you don't? if you aren't saying that, then you're either kidding yourself, or one of you is just settling out of sad sad desperation. so i leave you with this advise. probably the best you've heard in a while, i don't know. but here it is: DEAL WITH IT.


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