Sunday, December 21, 2008

kiss and make up you slimey little - GET YOUR SHOES OFF THAT COFFEE TABLE!

i'm makin up for a missed post, you see i was actually invited to do something! which, for some reason that i'm sure would not reflect badly on me in any way whatsoever, almost never happens. some might say, once in a blue moon, or mosre likely the commonly thrown around term "sometimes". yup. well, i had this family party then this get together party thing to go to. so i did not post, to the dissapointment of you, my faithful readers, who i'm sure just sit there refreshing this page for hours on end waiting for that magikal moment when i hast proclaimed a new entry completed with my pressing of thine publish now button. so here i go, makin up a post... ummmm, i'm totally and comletely running dry on things to write. so here's a short story by someone who isn't a writer in the slighteset, that i will weigh down with heavy handed words. today the young man woke up. he scratched his rude when scratching in public parts, because they needed scratchin. he went out for his morning run because he was a fully functioning member of society, but still his own man. a true individual. this is what drew the aliens to him. they abducted him and threw him in front of a moving train, which effectively burried him. he was thus reborn by pure colegient energy and became anew. and what did he do next you ask? he found himself craving to be like everyone else. he became unindividualistik. and slowly those aliens plan on taking the world by doing the same to all free thinkers. beware. attached is a sketch of earth worm jim i drew like 4 years ago. go nuts.


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