Friday, December 26, 2008

heeeeeeeey, badabing!

alright so i know i'm behind, but i'm still doing a post for each day. my computer shut down on me and some of these didn't get loaded. so i was like, hey mang, where's my money?! where's my money man! i want mai money! in my best brooklyn accent. cuz lots o you foo's out there owes me mai money. and i seriously doubt i'll ever see it. prepare to start sleeping with the fishes. and trust me, it's not a pleasent time. they snore like CRAZY! like how my friend gets when he eats hot cheetoes. he just loves hot cheetoes. so yeah, merry christmas guys, and also, happy all those other less known holidays that i don't celebrate. not corprate enough for me. so that's my x-mas card from last year. i'm sending it out again. 


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