Friday, March 27, 2009

i'm such a dummy head.

i forgot the quiz! okay.

question 1: what is one reason i started this idiotic blog?

question 2: what was the original signiture at the bottom of the post i would use? (hint: it was where it currently says jailhouse rock.)

i'm tired.

i haven't slept much again lately. just so you guys know, that's the main reason i started this whole blog shpeel, i was bored at 3,4,5,6 in the morning. i had like super bad insomnia back then. the good old days. it's sad really when you recall times of massive insomnia with sighs of .........hmmmmmmm...... rapture. that's a good word. i think.... whatevers clevers! course now i don't sleep because the curse of being at my school, otis, and no that is not me being wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop (big headed), is that you just don't sleep. too much work. you know on a side note, i want to make a spoof video called, otis girls gone wild! starring a bunch of otis girls, but them goin wild will be going to sleep. hah. i like him he's silly! HEEE HEE HEE! yeah. daniel your the only faithful follower i have left. so. how are you? well that's good. no. really?! wow dood! nuh uh! he did not! o shit! i do say o shit! o shit! i can't stop saying o shit! o sheeeit!

well my goodyness! that did git off track, didn't it?! back on track. soes. teh. i'm sorta at a loss for words. so, maybe i'll try to be funny now? oh yeah! i remember where i was! i was gonna make some sort of comment on how i'm currently sitting in art history class. you might see how this connects to the original reason why i started this blog. you may not. just in case you have no idea, i understand laziness, and you may not want to scroll back up, it was boredom. the reason. boredom. do i have to spell it out to you?! well fine! it's spelled B-O-R-E-D-O-M. got that?! ugh! fine i'll go slower! B....O....R....E.....D....O....M.... did you write it down this time? well too bad, you should have. and now you're going to fail the test at the end of today's posting. it's 2 questions. yeah, i know you're skrewed. but it's your own fault, you probably stuck the small end in your mouth. i know daniel did. oh. my.GOD. i bet you sniff the fruit salad too. ugh! you make me sick! if this wasn't the internet, the ultimate in anonymous, i'd tell you to get out of my sight! hey, do you guys ever actually use those F1-12 buttons at the top of your keyboard? i use one every like i dunno, once every three weeks on average. i guess. so daniel, how's the stalker? mmmmm. yeah, things can feel that way sometimes................................. i suggest using some sort of cream. HAH! sigh... i missed you, internet. my school work is just a ridicamulus work overload, like picture having to give a 500 pound woman for five miles. yeah. and then think about what time of the month it is. damn. anyways. how do you go about getting more readers? i mean, it would b fun to actually have an audience of more tha one, and know it. i could theoretically, have more readers, i could be uber popular, but have no freakin clue. could you imagine? me neither. oh yeah! i'm totally down for 12 rounds today, if you want. my phone should be back on tonite. like within the hour. so like 10 good for you? maybe 11 or 12. lets go to the landmark. its this fancy one out here in la. hey dood. i just took a look, i don't think it's out yet. is it next week? or just a limited release? i thot john cena was beloved. hey! this jeicho guy was on tmz! which i'm ashamed to say i watch. i saw him and i was all like, man! i have to remember to talk about this to daniel later. now's a good a time as any. well. not really. cuz i can't hear your responses. i need to think things through more. dood. i'm soooooooooooooooooooooooo tired! on a side note, i'm filming my hands today. also, i think my rings shrunk, or my finers grew, cuz my rings are now way too tight! if you haven't heard of him, look up the artist banksy. this guy is amazin. he inspires me. i have some ideas. alright. i guess i might as well leave you with a final thought. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........................................


goodnight everybody.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


my attempts at being funny have become a snake slithering through the underbrush that is the soulless unshaven back of a sweaty fat guy which is representative of my mind. or maybe the internet. i'm truthfully not quite sure what i just said. i just zoned out and let my mind wonder. so, how are you danyo? ....... that bad? ......... jeeze, i had no idea. times are tuff huh? well you know chin up i guess. you know life is like a new york comedy show. you might try to take a bite of a chocolate from your box of choco nuggets, but then get punched in the face by some random guy. you followin me? well then pay better attention then ass hole! the reliance on imagination is both uplifting and crippling. and on that note i shall leave you alone for some undisclosed amount of time that will feel like a turtle moving through sand of the quick variety and simultaneously being overshadowed by the elephant in the room.